It's quite a cold day today, and my music player is still playing certain song, for I-don't-know-how-many-times. Today I feel like telling a story about what I've been experienced and heard about a year ago. Not going to tell it chronologically, let's just sum it up in general (you know how I tell stories; it will be way too long and complicated. Hehehe).
Design. de|sign. di-ˈzīn Design. There are many possible ways of defining the word. From what I've learned in the university and what I've gone through at the previous office, design is a process of achieving something purposively. From nothing to something. From zero to hero (I believe this is a line from a song... Oh yeah; Disney's Hercules.. Pardon). It has to have a purpose, whatever the purpose is. It could be for social, humanity, leisure, or anything, even for the sake of happiness of the designers themselves. There are many types of design, one of them is what this post is about. Architectural design, which is a process of place-making; creating spaces into places. Yes, it has to have a purpose. And from my point of view, the most important thing is; a design has to change something into a better thing. Design has to give value to that something, even the slightest bit, that could help to make a better living, whatever whenever wherever it is. Not many people concerned about the importance of design. Common people usually think that design is not that necessary, thus they don't appreciate design as it should be. They sometimes don't recognize the design, nor understand about it. That is the worst case. Some people would appreciate it, use it, but at the same time they think it is not worth the money. They think of it as merely an advice, therefore they sometimes don't value it, they don't pay the designer. But of course not all of them, some people would value it. In the end, it is always about being part of the society, the human beings. It is all about a contribution. When reaching an end of the process (though there's no end to a design process), designers have to look back to the humans - in this case called the design-users - which are the main purpose of an architectural design. See if the design works well with the environment and could gives better lives for the people. A design is enough appreciated only by being built prettily and used by targeted people. Yes, by all means, it's all back to the users. In this kind of case, in order to avoid continual disappointment, I think a designer or architect need to respect his/her works more than just by being paid. A design can't just be valued by money or fame, they are not everything (they can't really buy you love, The Beatles said). They are not the main things, they are all merely a bonus from the noble act designers have done. It is the feeling of knowing that your design being used safely and comfortably by people - that can't be paid by anything. That's why every profession - including designers - has to have a down-to-earth attitude, since every humans is always a social creature from the very beginning. So, let's give a contribution, - even a little contribution, even without being paid, even without any recognition - to our little town, or wherever it is. It isn't too much to ask of us, right? P.S. This post might be sounded like a self-justification on my practical experience. Anyway it's up to you, readers, to judge. Hehehe. ![]() |
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