Posted by Yttria on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 // 23:12 // 0 comments (+)

To be honest, I was interested in reading this book because of its book cover (and a brief review at the back of the book, will get to that later). A single tree, surrounded with birds and some things. At first I thought this might be a cute story, or a story about natural environment. But after reading it, this apparently has nothing directly to do with those and is beyond my imagination of the cover. Indeed, don't judge book by its cover.

It also has an interesting brief at the back of the cover (which was one of the reasons I bought this book), which tells us not to tell anyone about the story after finish reading it. Yes, I kinda agree with it, it's a kind of story you have to experience by yourself. You will be drawn into the book as you go on reading it. Once you have read it, you'll want to tell everyone about it. When you do, please don't tell them what happens either. The magic is in how it unfolds. The book said so.

Hardships, come to everyone, often without any warning. Problems in this world could come from anywhere, from the smallest; troubled notion inside human's mind, to something big; like World War. Not many people could handle their own life problem, only people with bravery and willingness to fight that can hold on to it, and get it done. The character of Little Bee is quite unique. She's a little bit weird, but is also patient and good-natured. Her life problem have pushed her to be tougher and tougher each day, and have opened up her eyes; urged her to live the reality as human being in this worldly world. The same nature came to Sarah, who is physically different from Bee. But both are humans, with the same rights to live in the same faithful mother earth, only with different destiny.

There are many inspiring messages from the story, it's hard not to be drawn into it. One of them somehow even changed the way I think about people having a scar. Most people might think that having a scar is horrifying. Scar here doesn't always mean physically, it could also have an abstract mean to it. Having a scar doesn't mean your life was ruined to some extent of your life. It also doesn't always mean that you have experienced bad times, that you're such a sad story. It's definitely a sign, that you have survived from whatever that had came to you before. That you have passed the hard times you were facing. Not many people ready or brave enough to have scars carved either in their body or heart. So if you have a scar, you must have been tough enough going through whatever had happened in your life, you have to be grateful with it. It's not easy, though. But a scar; is never ugly. A scar means, you survived.

Tough humans; may look like a fragile glass from the outside, but is always a steel on the inside. Hard times, troubles, unfair treatments, violences, scars; all of it are only shaping them into unbeatable, stronger human being day by day. They could face everything that's been thrown at them, even death. While in another part of the world, some humans are just too greedy. That is one of basic human natures; never feel content about what they already have. The greedy attitude; somehow lead them to do anything to get whatever they want, even doing harm to other people.

"Wouldn't that be funny, if the oil rebels were playing U2 in their jungle camps, and the government soldiers were playing U2 in their trucks. I think everyone was killing everyone else and listening to the same music... That is a good trick about this world, Sarah. No one likes each other, but everyone likes U2."

Living in the same mother earth, sleeping under the same big sky, gazing at the same stars, breathing the same air, listening to the same music; why can't we people live in peace? Some might think of this as a cliché statement, but hey, no. Peace is not merely a song, a poet, or a propaganda. If we - human beings with a heart and fully understand about the responsibility as human in this world - think that peace or love is a cliché... Then what is left? What more could be expected? Will there still be a little hope for honest, fair humanity in this good old mother earth? Have we - greedy humans - accidentally created another kind of earth, the one that God never even thought of?



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